How to Renew Your Membership Dues

You must be signed in to Renew your Membership Dues!

Step One

On the Home Page of the
Website, Click
Members>Members SignIn


Use the Member Sign-In
Button in top right corner.

Step Two

Sign In using your email
and password

Step Three

You will be on the page
with your personal

Step Four

Scroll down until you see the
box that says “Full Member”. It
tells you when your member-
ship expires. If that date is
Jan 1, 2024, you are due to
renew your membership.
Click the blue box
”Renew, Upgrade or
Update Billing”

Step Five

To renew your dues, leave
Full Member with the red
circle. In the box below that,
you can choose whether to have your account renewed automatically every year with your credit card or you can choose to Pay by Credit Card One time. Click whichever one you choose. If you wish to cancel your membership, scroll to the bottom for that instruction!

Step Six

Enter in your credit/debit card information, scroll down just a bit, and click the blue box that says “Save & Continue”

Step Eight

If you do not wish to renew your membership, click the circle next to Cancel. It will turn red. Click “Save & Continue”. Your account will be cancelled.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When we brought your information into the system a year ago, some of it was entered incorrectly. When you click “Save & Continue” at this point, if your information is incorrectly entered, you will see a message in RED telling you that. You must fix the incorrect information and scroll back down to click “Save & Continue”. See the following image!

Step Seven

When you click “Save & Continue”, wait for your credit/debit card to process. When it’s done, you will get this message on your screen. You will also receive two emails: A renewal notice and a receipt for your payment. See images below.

Renewal Email

Payment Receipt