The Infinit-E Elvis Tribute Artists Band!

2025 ETA Festivals Cruise
Royal Caribbean, Adventure of the Seas
March 21 - 29, 2025

Board the Ship: Port Canaveral
Ports of Call: Labadee Haiti, San Juan PR, St. Thomas, St. Croix
There will be 5 Ultimate ETA’s on this cruise and the Infinit-E ETA Band. They are absolute tops! [Click Here] for more information.
You cannot book this cruise through Royal Caribbean. You must contact:
Brea Vela (800) 414-1531 x 808 for pricing and cabin availability. Tell her you’re interested in ETA Festivals Cruise and ask for ticket package to the shows.

I am going to be on this cruise and I am staying with the group in Kissimmee the night of the 20th, leaving my car at the hotel, and riding the chartered bus to the port and back. I believe there will be a jam session at the hotel the night before we leave. If you are interested in this, I can call the promoter to see if there are more rooms at the hotel and bus seats available.