If you would like to volunteer to help our club, please complete this form and click the Submit button below.

  1. Welcome Committee: We can use volunteers for helping at the sign-in & nametag tables at Meetings & Events (blue & red items on the calendar). If you volunteer for the Welcoming Committee, we will call on you at different times as we will rotate through all volunteers. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to get to know other members of our Club!

  2. Activities/Games Committee: Are you good at organizing activities and games? Games can either be a monthly activity on the calendar or perhaps you are good at organizing games to be played at such Events as our picnics, pool party, etc. This is the committee for you! Please tell us what you are good at in the Message Box. Our Activities/Games Committee would love to have your name on their list!

  3. Other: Do you have some other idea or area of expertise that you can volunteer for? i.e. Can you help with the design/development of the website?, do you have an idea that will make our club better for the members?, are you a retired CPA that can volunteer to do our tax returns? Check the “Other” box and tell us what you would like to do in the Message area. Your ideas will be brought to the Board of Directors meetings and you will be notified of the decision of the Board.